How to get to Ilha Grande?
Have you already decided to travel to Ilha Grande or already bought your ticket or even made your reservation and still have doubts about how to get there and the logistics of how to get there, such as: Do I arrive on the Island by car? Where to leave my car? Better to go by car or bus? What are the boat times? What are the boat times and prices? Where do I take the boat?
Here we will facilitate and help you the best way to arrive on the island, synchronizing the best time of arrival and departure, counting on time to leave or arrive at your home .
Where to board?
In Ilha Grande it is not possible to enter by car, so if you come by car, you will have to leave your car in a parking lot on the mainland. You can easily find parking at all boarding points, so plan ahead before your trip.
The boarding points for Ilha Grande can be by three places, Mangaratiba, Conceição de Jacareí and Angra dos Reis.
For those coming from Rio de Janeiro the closest point is Mangaratiba, however the times of only the official CONERJ ferry at 8:00 AM and the return trip leaves Abraão village at 5:30 PM arriving in Mangaratiba at 7:00 PM. The ferry crossing takes around 1:40 HS and costs R$18.00 Reais.
Passing from Mangaratiba, the next boarding place is in Conceição de Jacareí which is only 15 minutes by car, in Conceição the boat schedules are much longer constant, taking an hourly boat, the boats are fast, taking around 15 minutes to cross. These vessels cost R$ 100 reais.
From Angra dos Reis it is possible to take both the fast boats and the CONERJ ferry every day, but the large boat only For quick departures, the Barca costs R$18 Reais and the Fast Boats cost R$100.00 Reais.

Angra dos Reis
parking lots
Conceição de Jacareí
Coming from Rio de Janeiro?

For those coming from Rio de Janeiro, a good option is to take a transfer taking into account comfort and value. Coming on your own by bus the value is R$66 Reais, the crossing boat R$100 plus the cost to get to the bus station. The transfer costs R$110 reais per person. The transfer has daily departures from Copacabana, Ipanema, Downtown and Airports. O Transfer leva em torno de 4 horas do rio para a Ilha. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Coming from Sao Paulo?

For those coming from São Paulo by bus, you should look for the company Reunidas Paulista, which has 4 departures daily, but to reach Angra dos Reis in time to take a boat, you must take the bus from 22:00 HS to arrive at 6:00 AM in Angra. The bus that leaves at 8:00 AM from São Paulo arrives in Angra at 16:00 PM leaving little time to catch the last boat, which is at 18:00 PM;
Not being able to have any setbacks on the trip to make it work. The other times of 11:00 AM and 14:00 PM arrive at times when there are no more boats. For the Return, it should also be noted that the first boat from Ilha Grande leaves at 8:00 am.