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Enseada das Estrelas, is full of beaches and beautiful landscapes, the name is given because its waters are so calm at night the sky is reflected in the sea and you can see all the stars. The cove is marked by simple and luxurious restaurants and during holidays and vacations, several famous people usually appear with Reis Magos, Ancoradouro, Coqueiro Verde and Refúgio das Caravelas.

    On the inside of the Enseada das Estrelas, there is a retreat in the sea called Saco do Céu because it looks like a bag in an aerial photo, and because it reflects the sky at sea.

     Seguindo  da Praia do Barreto em sentido ao Abraão, a primeira praia, é a Praia do Amor, followed by Praia do Saco do Céu, Praia do Castor, Praia de Fora, Praia do Pereque, Praia da Carmiranga, Itaguaçu and Feiticeira.

     Praia do Amor, is a very small beach that when the tide is dry, its strip of sand disappears and only water for swimming, the water there is not usually very bad for diving, but in the region it is very common to see sea stars (an important warning for anyone who sees a star, it cannot leave the water, which even if it looks alive, it can't stand it out of the water), although it is already extinct because people don't know and take it out of the sea to take pictures.

      Praia do Saco do Céu is Praia da Vila, it has a lot of shell and mud because it is close to the mangrove, All the beaches around Saco do Céu have dark water because they are surrounded by mangroves, so the attraction of Saco do Céu is its panorama and beautiful landscape.

     A Praia do Castor, is the beach that surrounds the tip between the Saco do Céu and the cove of stars, to the outside. The beach is so called because it is a private property of the Castor de Andrade family.

    Praia de Fora, is the first beach facing the outside, and there the water starts to get clear, in the corner of the beach a river flows from the Pereque river waterfall, on the beach outside there is a restaurant that some tour boats usually stop there, if you take some of these tours that stop there in the locality, it is worth visiting the river and taking a fresh water bath.

   Praia do Pereque, is the beach between Praia de Fora and Praia de Carmiranga, the beach is little visited by boats and tourists, therefore it is a good beach for if you avoid the boat routes, the beach has plenty of shade and is also very close to the Pereque waterfall.

   Praia da Carmiranga, a beautiful beach with a Bar to enjoy the day there. There is also a river there that  you can take a bath in fresh water, but it doesn't flow as much water as the Pereque river, the water there is very clear, and coming from Abraão is the first beach to to get to those who are going to Saco do Céu, the trail takes around 1.30 hs (One and a half hours) and is very easy to access, passing by the witch's waterfall before reaching the beach.

    Next Beach, Itaguaçu Beach, is a beach that stands out for its beauty, practically a beach that has only one private house, and an extension of almost a kilometer, and on the rocks you can take beautiful pictures. The access on foot to this beach, you have to pay attention when you are almost reaching the beach of carmiranga, which has an entrance on the right side of the trail, which with another 10 minutes of trail you arrive at the beach, but the most common are the people arrive by boat.

   And the last beach of the cove is Praia da Feiticeira, legend says that there used to be a healer who took care of everyone there, and that everyone knew as feiticeira, still on the edge of the beach has the foundation of a house that is said to have been where she lived.

    The beach has a short strip of sand, and normally at the end of the day it is the route of boat trips and therefore it gets quite crowded and sometimes having little space in the shade and on the sand, but this usually happens at the end of the day, and for those who go to the Feiticeira waterfall and pass there before 4:30 pm it is usually quite empty and quiet to bathe or snokel.

    The trail to Praia da Feiticeira takes around an hour and a half to walk, and the entrance is shortly after descending from the witch's waterfall.

    Feiticeira waterfall takes around 20 minutes from Feiticeira beach.

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