Indians on Ilha Grande
Before the arrival of the Portuguese in Brazil, the Indians were the only inhabitants of the place, and there may have been up to 5 million Indians throughout the territory,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ so there were different tribes. In the Southeast region, but specifically from the south of São Paulo in Bertioga to the Lagos region, in Rio de Janeiro, the predominant tribe was the Tamoios tribe.
Studies estimate that around 70 thousand Indians lived in the region, they say that Tamoio was the oldest tribe of the Indians, taking into account that Tamoio, in Tupi means grandparents.
The Tamoios had great skill in archery and hunting, while the women were great cultivators.
This group of Indians were Cannibals, and they ate the flesh of their enemies, which may seem very strange to us, but for them it meant a ritual in order to absorb intelligence, vigor, courage and wisdom of its rivals.
On Ilha Grande it is estimated that around 150 Indians enjoyed the beauties of Ilha Grande, they lived in 6 large hollows and lived specifically from fishing, hunting and cultivation. These Indians called Ilha Grande Ipaum Guaçu, whose translation is Ilha Grande. With the arrival of the Portuguese in 1502, in an expedition commanded by André Gonçalves, who arrived at the place thinking it was a river mouth because of the tip of the bell and Castilian when they arrived on the other side of the island they realized it was an island and of new lands. The Portuguese soon with little time already tried to enslave the Indians, because the Tamoios were very aloof and did not accept slavery, it was when the Portuguese caused a great genocide.
It was only in 1556 that the settlers arrived from the Azores, who created a village by settling in the cove. In 1608, it became Vila dos Reis Magos on Ilha Grande.